The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria announced in a written statement that an operation was carried out after a Yazidi woman and her two children, who were kidnapped by ISIS gangs in 2014, were found to be staying in Hol camp.

“Having obtained clear information about an abducted Yazidi woman staying in the fourth section of Hol Camp, our anti-crime forces conducted the necessary research and follow-up work and raided the place where the woman was staying. On Monday (3 June), our anti-crime forces rescued the Yazidi woman, Ezîze Xalid Elî, and 2 children, one of whom is her daughter.”

Internal Security Forces stated that 10-year-old Xunav Nayêf, who was rescued along with the woman, had been kidnapped and separated from her mother during the genocidal attacks of ISIS on Shengal (Sinjar) in 2014 when she was only a few months old.

The rescued woman and children will be handed over to the Yazidi House through the Liaison and Coordination Office in order to reunite them with their families.

ISIS kidnapped more than 5,000 Yazidi women from Shengal during its brutal attack on the region in August 2014. Most of them were sold in the ISIS slave markets in Syria and Iraq. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Women's Defense Units (YPJ) managed to liberate hundreds of Yazidi women from ISIS, especially after defeating ISIS in al-Bagouz.