Revolutionary Youth Movement in Rojava

Introduction to the Revolutionary Youth Movement

The Revolutionary Youth Movement in Rojava, also known as "Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger" in Kurdish, is a significant social and political force within the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), commonly referred to as Rojava. This movement plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the region and embodies the principles of democratic confederalism, feminism, and ecological awareness.

Key Points

  • Grassroots youth organization founded on democratic confederalist principles
  • Active in social, political, and cultural spheres of Rojava
  • Promotes gender equality, ecological awareness, and direct democracy
  • Engages in both civil society initiatives and self-defense
  • Plays a crucial role in the Rojava Revolution and its continuation

Historical Context

The Revolutionary Youth Movement in Rojava emerged in the context of:

  • The broader Kurdish youth movements in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran
  • The ideology of democratic confederalism developed by Abdullah Öcalan
  • The outbreak of the Syrian Civil War and the subsequent Rojava Revolution
  • The need for young people to actively participate in building a new society

Principles and Ideology

1. Democratic Confederalism

The movement adheres to the principles of democratic confederalism, emphasizing direct democracy, decentralization, and communal decision-making.

2. Women's Liberation

Gender equality and women's empowerment are central to the movement's ideology, with young women playing leadership roles.

3. Ecological Awareness

The movement promotes environmental consciousness and sustainable practices as part of its revolutionary vision.

4. Anti-Capitalism

The youth movement critiques capitalist modernity and seeks to build alternative economic models based on cooperation and sustainability.

Structure and Organization

The Revolutionary Youth Movement is organized along democratic and decentralized lines:

  • Communes and councils at neighborhood, city, and regional levels
  • Separate but cooperating structures for young women and men
  • Regular assemblies and congresses for decision-making
  • Integration with broader AANES structures while maintaining autonomy
Revolutionary Youth Movement Structure Youth Movement Communes City Councils Women's Structures Educational Committees Regional Assemblies Self-Defense Units

Activities and Initiatives

The Revolutionary Youth Movement engages in a wide range of activities:

  • Political education and ideological training
  • Cultural events and festivals celebrating Kurdish and other local cultures
  • Environmental campaigns and reforestation projects
  • Self-defense training and participation in civil defense structures
  • Solidarity actions with other revolutionary movements globally
  • Establishment of youth centers and communes

Role in the Rojava Revolution

The youth movement has played a crucial role in the Rojava Revolution:

  • Active participation in the establishment of the AANES
  • Defending Rojava against ISIS and other threats
  • Implementing democratic confederalism at the grassroots level
  • Challenging traditional social norms and promoting progressive values
  • Building international solidarity networks
"The revolutionary youth of Rojava are not just the future of our society, they are its present. They are actively shaping our revolution and building the world we want to see." - Zelal Ceger, co-chair of TEV-DEM

Challenges and Controversies

The Revolutionary Youth Movement faces several challenges:

  • Ongoing security threats from ISIS sleeper cells and Turkish military operations
  • Economic difficulties and lack of resources
  • Balancing revolutionary ideals with practical governance
  • Tensions with more conservative elements of society
  • Brain drain due to emigration of young people seeking opportunities elsewhere

International Connections

The movement has developed connections with youth and revolutionary movements worldwide:

  • Solidarity actions with movements in Latin America, Europe, and elsewhere
  • Hosting international volunteers and delegations
  • Participation in global climate and social justice movements
  • Using social media to share their experiences and ideas globally

Future Prospects

The future of the Revolutionary Youth Movement is tied to several factors:

  • The overall political situation in Syria and the Middle East
  • Continued international support and solidarity
  • Ability to address internal challenges and evolve
  • Success in implementing and spreading the ideals of democratic confederalism


The Revolutionary Youth Movement in Rojava represents a unique experiment in youth-led social and political transformation. Rooted in the principles of democratic confederalism and emerging from the context of the Syrian Civil War and the Rojava Revolution, this movement plays a vital role in shaping the future of the region. Despite facing significant challenges, the movement continues to be a driving force for change, both within Rojava and as an inspiration for youth movements worldwide.
